Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hair Care Tips and Products for Oily Hair

The best products for oily hair control oil secretions using Zinc PCA in their formulations. Zinc naturally reduces sebum leaving hair clean, fresh and alive. But, that's not all. Everyday brushing, combing, styling aids and even what you eat may be contributing to dirty, greasy or oily hair.

Here are a few tips, suggestions and ideas to help keep your hair clean and fresh.

According to many, having oil-laden or greasy hair is dreadful. Managing it and styling it is a hard task unless the hair is taken good care of. The most common notion about is that it is caused due to the scalp. But, surprisingly, this is not always the case and is often the result of a dry scalp that causes the sebaceous glands to secrete excessively.

Causes of Oily Hair

Oiliness is caused due to several reasons. Excessive use of shampoo and over-washing dries the scalp. This forces the pores and glands to secrete extra sebum. Use of harsh shampoos and blow drying (over-styling) can open pores and stimulating glands. Harsh brushing and excessive use of artificial products that irritate or inflame the scalp may contribute also.

Additionally, warm weather and high humidity kick-start secretions as does vigorous exercise and activities. If you are a sufferer, try to stay in cool, dry places - work or home - to reduce effects.

Treatments and Products

Oily hair can be treated by using simple hair care tips. Using a mild shampoo formulated with Zinc PCA along with a good conditioner can prevent excessive production. Though for severe or chronic oiliness, shampooing should be restricted to once a day and using a paraben-free shampoo may help reduce scalp irritation and inflammation. For acute cases, shampooing once in the evening and again in the morning may be necessary.

What Not to Do?

Keep your hands out of your hair. Far many, like me, I have a hard time from "brushing" over with my hands. Touching transfers chemicals, dirt and grease. And, scratching or rubbing stimulates the scalp making a bad problem worse. Using hot water for shampooing should be avoided as it can lead to the drying of the scalp.

Effects of a Balanced Diet on Hair

Although there are no studies to substantiate the relation between diet and healthy hair, many experts believe that a good balanced diet will promote healthy hair growth. Eating a nutritious and a wholesome diet along with plenty of fluids can help ensure the absence of excessive oil in the scalp. Prevention of a dry scalp can lead to the prevention of extra oil in the hair. Drinking plenty of water too ensures healthy hair and beautiful skin.

The best products for oily hair can help. Shampoos with Zinc PCA and gentle surfactants reduce secretions as well as help heal and repair scalp tissue that may have become inflamed. Avoiding excessive styling, brushing and touching help as well as avoiding styling aids that may attract and trap grease, dirt or bacteria.

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